mid MIDI format so that I can load them into the tutor and learn to play them from there. I’m trying to figure out how to convert them into a workable. I have a bunch of songs on my computer, however they’re all in. It’s kind of like Rock Band, except that it displays actual sheet music and allows you to adjust the tempo to your liking. One of the features of the software is that it allows one to upload songs into it and helps you learn to play it in real-time. There’s a MIDI output that connects into my computer and allows me to access this drum tutor software called “HD-1 Drum Tutor”, appropriately enough. To this end, i picked up a Roland HD-1 electronic drum kit (the better to learn while keeping from disturbing the neighbors at all hours). I am attempting to teach myself the drums. I don’t claim to be an accomplished drummer, or even a competent track mixer, but I did my best and for what it’s worth, I am proud of my efforts.For those of you who do custom Rock Band mods and/or know about computers, file conversions, and drum machines, I request your assistance. Please forgive the misaligned parts of the song. However, the rest of the time, including during the chorus, it is aligned just right. It was difficult to align them perfectly, and I don’t quite think I got it, as the drum track sometimes sounds misaligned by a millisecond. Then, I found an audio of Highway To Hell without a drum track and put my drum track onto it in GarageBand. Even with my limited knowledge of manipulating tracks and recording, I made the drum track by using my extensive familiarity with the song to do it by ear. The song always stuck out to me as a song I’d like to play someday. My dad had played it for me when I was little, and we’d listen to it every time we were upstate in our old, beat-up truck.

First, I landed on Highway To Hell as a song I wanted to cover. This project was somewhat simplistic in terms of the work put into it, but there is nonetheless a story behind it.